National curriculum framework has been on charge since the enlightenment of NEP 2020, either day we are getting updated with the new guidelines framed by the body and which will pay as a foundation to the teacher’s quality training. Teachers being the most important part of a student’s life must be upgraded in all the ways to ensure better future to the nation.
No textbooks for children between ages three and six, instead learning will be based on toys, play and lived experience, use of mother tongue, stories of Indian heroes and traditional concepts of teaching, books incorporating diversity, gender, moral and ethical awareness and assessment through observation and analyzing creativity- these are some of the key features of a new foundational curriculum framework launched by government for young children.
Union educational minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched the new National Curriculum Framework (NCF) in New Delhi for children between age 3 to 8 marking the first such integrated curriculum for young children in the country. The document also recommended that textbooks should avoid stereotypes such as women working in the kitchen and dark-skinned people depicted as evil.
NCF will have four stages foundation or early childhood care and education for preparatory, middle and secondary levels. “It is the most important and challenging task to develop the first framework for the fundamental stage because the researchers have shown that over 85% of an individual’s brain development occurs by the age of 6-8 years. Therefore, it is very important what they should be taught and learn in that age group.
With the increasing demand of change in the curriculum of students it is the need of the hour that the teachers should also be trained in a manner which can lead the students to the best of their abilities. Teacher training at INDOSS ensures that the pupil teachers get the most out of the updated curriculum which makes the pupil teachers more valuable than anywhere else in Delhi.
Teacher’s training courses like NPTT and B. ED include the pattern of child’s early development to primary and secondary stage which leads to over all personality of a teacher to groom as per the requirement of today’s era.